
Nail fungus


We specialize in helping patients with nail fungus and making their feet look great

Nail fungus

About the treatment

Nail fungus

What is nail fungus?

Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is a common fungal infection that affects the nails, most commonly the toenails. It occurs when fungi (such as dermatophytes, yeasts, or molds) invade the nails, causing an infection.

How to know I have a nail fungus?

You might suspect you have nail fungus if you notice the following signs and symptoms:

  1. Discoloration: The affected nail may change color, often turning yellow, white, brown, or even black. The discoloration may start at the tip of the nail and spread toward the base.
  2. Thickening: The infected nail might become thicker than usual, and it could become brittle, crumbly, or difficult to trim.
  3. Change in Shape: The nail might change shape, becoming distorted, curved, or irregular in appearance.
  4. Lifting or Separation: The nail might separate from the nail bed, leading to lifting, detachment, or visible gaps between the nail and the nail bed.
  5. Texture Changes: The infected nail may develop a rough or uneven surface texture.
  6. Odor: In some cases, the affected nail might emit a foul odor.
  7. Pain or Discomfort: Nail fungus can cause discomfort or pain, especially when pressure is applied to the affected nail, such as when wearing shoes.

What causes nail fungus?

Several factors contribute to the development of nail fungus:

  1. Warm and Moist Environments: Fungi thrive in warm, moist conditions. Walking barefoot in damp communal areas like swimming pools, gyms, or showers can expose your feet to fungal organisms.
  2. Footwear: Wearing shoes that trap moisture and heat, especially those made of non-breathable materials, can create an environment conducive to fungal growth.
  3. Nail Trauma or Damage: Injuries to the nails, such as a stubbed toe or repeated minor trauma, can create entry points for fungal infections.
  4. Weakened Immune System: Conditions that weaken the immune system, like diabetes, HIV/AIDS, or certain medications, can increase susceptibility to fungal infections, including nail fungus.
  5. Age and Health Factors: As people age, their nails can become more brittle and prone to cracks or damage, making them more susceptible to fungal invasion.
  6. Poor Foot Hygiene: Not drying the feet thoroughly, wearing damp socks or shoes, or sharing nail grooming tools with an infected person can increase the risk of fungal infections.

How nail fungus can be treated?

Treatment for nail fungus (onychomycosis) can vary based on the severity of the infection. Here are common approaches used in managing nail fungus:

  1. Topical Treatments: Over-the-counter antifungal nail creams, ointments, or nail polishes may be recommended for mild cases. These are applied directly to the affected nail.
  2. Oral Medications: Prescription oral antifungal medications are more effective for moderate to severe infections. These medications are taken for several weeks to months, depending on the extent of the infection.
  3. Medicated Nail Polishes or Lacquers: Prescription-strength antifungal nail lacquers are applied directly to the affected nails, similar to nail polish.
  4. Surgical Procedures: In severe cases or when other treatments fail, surgical procedures such as nail removal or debridement (trimming and removal of infected nail tissue) may be considered to eliminate the infected nail and allow for topical antifungal medications to penetrate better.
  5. Laser Therapy: Some healthcare providers offer laser treatment to eradicate nail fungus. It involves directing a laser light at the infected nail to destroy the fungus.

It's important to note that treating nail fungus can be challenging, and complete eradication of the infection may take time. Additionally, the effectiveness of treatments can vary, and recurrence of fungal infections is possible.

Consistency and patience are key in treating nail fungus. Following the prescribed treatment regimen diligently, maintaining good foot hygiene, keeping nails trimmed, and allowing time for the new, healthy nail to grow are essential. Seeking guidance from our podiatryp rofessional, is crucial for proper diagnosis and personalized treatment recommendations tailored to the specific extent and severity of the nail fungus.



Nail fungus

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Nail fungus

Patient succes stories

Review 3

Joanne K.

Dr. Salvatore Gaudino is a miracle worker.  I had problems walking for more than five years, NOT any more.  I went to countless Specialists… One of the luckiest days of my life is when I made an appointment with him!  He is truly amazing.  The great office staff is welcoming.  What a great experience.  Thank you ALL!

Review 2

Jessica D.

Dr. Gaudino examined my son and explained to me exactly what he needed to correct his “turned feet”, as well as showing me some exercises to relieve the tension in his feet. He was so nice and caring towards my son, and really made him feel at ease. I would definitely recommend this practice to my friends and family!